Gunta Wollschal (maxi)
Gunta Wollschal (maxi)
Strickschal mit eingestricktem Jaquardmuster mit Inspirationen aus der Bauhaus-Zeit.
Gestrickt in Belgien. 200 x 40 cm
100% Merino-Wolle
Merinowollfasern sind extrem fein. Ein menschliches Haar ist etwa 70 Mikrometer (μm) dick, während das eines Merinoschafs nur 14,5 bis 24,5 μm dick ist. Ein Mikrometer ist ein Millionstel Meter: Je feiner das Mikrometer, desto weicher die Faser. Das in der Bauhaus-Serie verwendete Merinogarn ist eines der feinsten überhaupt: 19,5 μm. Das bedeutet, dass das Garn außergewöhnlich weich, unglaublich leicht und nicht reizend ist. Eine Garnstärke von 19,5 μm wird häufig für Babykleidung oder Thermounterwäsche verwendet – Kleidungsstücke, die direkt auf der Haut getragen werden. Eine perfekte Wahl für ein Wolvis-Stück!
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
• Free in Germany for orders over €50 (€3 for orders under €50)
• Free in the EU for orders over €150 (€5 for orders under €150)
• Free worldwide from €300 (€20 for less than €300).
Shipping to Switzerland costs a flat rate of €20 for orders under €300. With MeinEinkauf.ch it becomes uncomplicated and cheaper. All customs formalities and the delivery to your doorstep are done by MeinEinkauf.ch for a small fee. The goods arrive quickly, duty paid and cheap.
If an item is not in stock or if the delivery is delayed, we will inform you immediately. If, through no fault of our own, we are unable to deliver the ordered goods because our supplier does not meet his contractual obligations, we expressly reserve the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.
When paying in advance, the specified delivery times (within 1-2 working days) apply from receipt of the money on our bank account.
Returns: In the event of a complaint, we will send return labels by email on request. Otherwise, please send back to us within 14 days what doesn't fit or what you don't like to get a refund. Goods must be unworn or unused and can be returned to us within 2 weeks of receipt.
Once we have received the return, we will refund you within 2-4 days via the payment provider you used to pay for the order with us. Credit card companies usually take a few days to process the payment order.
We ask you to choose carefully and contact us with any questions about our products in measurements, colors and sizes.